Words of Peace Global

Your donation will be processed by and paid to Words of Peace Global (WOPG) an international charitable foundation, formed in the Netherlands in September 2008, which promotes Prem Rawat's message of peace.

If you are a United States taxpayer and wish to support the message of Prem Rawat, you can contribute here.

Please note that WOPG endeavors to honor a donor’s recommendation of contributions for specific projects. However, WOPG reserves the right to decide how contributions will be allocated.

In accordance with regulations on the protection of personal data, your data will be treated confidentially and stored in files held by the Words of Peace Global Foundation (WOPG), which is registered with the number 34312991 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. The Foundation processes personal data in order to deal with your contributions and to provide you with information on the activities of WOPG, other organizations with similar aims and Mr. Prem Rawat. You may exercise your right to access, rectify, object to or cancel this information by sending a letter to: Words of Peace Global Foundation, P.O. Box 20627, 1001 NP Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Full details of WOPG’s privacy policy may be found at “www.wopg.org“: Privacy Policy.
